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The Facts and Terrifying Testament of Mason Hamilton: Tsathoggua Tales

Тип альбома: 
Студийный альбом
Автор (группа): 
Chapter I - Asylum: The Madness (Of Mason Hamilton)
Chapter I - Asylum: A Terrifying Testament: The Things That Lie Below Mount Voormithadreth
Chapter II - The Island: Arrival: Tomb of Toads
Chapter II - The Island: Beware They Who Burrow Beneath
Chapter III - First Dream: Gaze of Ghatanothoa (I Had a Nightmare)
Chapter IV - The Caverns: Amongst Black Slime and Mushroom People
Chapter V - Second Dream: The Cthulhu Prophecy
Chapter VI - Of Gods and Monsters: Tsathoggua - The Black God of N'Kai
Chapter VI - Of Gods and Monsters: Entrapped Within Atlach-Nacha's Web
Chapter VII - Dead but Dreaming: Psychopompos Lamentations for a Dying World
Chapter VIII - Final Dream: Dreams of Terror in Darkness & Horrors Out of Shadows