Forty Years of Irish Piping
Тип альбома:
Студийный альбом
The Merry Blacksmith-The Rainy Day-The Silver Spear
First You Must Learn The Grip
The Bucks of Oranmore
The Bucks of Oranmore-The Sligo Maid's Lament
The Praties Are Dug and the Frost is All Over
The Fox Chase
If All the Young Maidens Were Blackbirds and Thrushes
The Copperplate Reel
The Silver Spear-The Dublin Reel/Miss Monahan
Salamanca-Duke Gordon
Don Niperi Septo
Donegal Reel
Paudeen O'Rafferty-The Friar's Jig
Speed The Plough-The Merry Blacksmith-The Forge Music
The Lark's March
Sixpenny Money-When the Cock Crows It is Day
Piper of the Embers-Down The Back Lane-Sixpenny Money-Paudeen O'Rafferty
I'll Mend Your Pots and Kettles O
The Broken Pledge
Paddy Killoran's Reel
Gentle Philip Fahy