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Icewind Dale: The Soundtrack

Тип альбома: 
Студийный альбом
Год выпуска: 
The Tale of Icewind Dale (Movie 1)
Icewind Dale Theme
Easthaven in Peace
Hrothgar's Home
Temple of Tempus
The Lost Caravan
Drums of the Dead
Avalanche at the Pass (Movie 2)
Kuldahar Theme
Arundel's Home
Vale of Shadows
Lysan's Lair
Kresselack's Tomb
Kresselack's Lair
Temple of the Forgotten God Entrance
Temple of the Forgotten God Interior
Heartstone Shrine
The Dragon's Eye
Yxunomei's Lair
Severed Hand Entrance
Severed Hand Interior
The Mage Tower
Lerrel's Daughter
Lerrel's Astrolab
The Heartstone Gem (Movie 3)
Upper Dorn's Deep Entrance
Upper Dorn's Deep Interior
Drow & Orog Gate
Umber Hulk Labyrinth
The Wyrm's Tooth Entrance
Aquarium of Alkonos
Frost Giant Cave
Lower Dorn's Deep
Svirfneblin Refugee Camp
Marketh's Palace
Artisan's District
The Fallen Temple
Belhifet's Doom
Return to Easthaven (Movie 4)
Easthaven in Pieces
Success! (Movie 5)
Credits (Long)
Credits (Bonus)
Battle of Kuldahar
Vale of Shadows (Bonus)
Chapter I
Chapter II
Battle with Yxunomei
Battle with Revered Brother Poquelin
Battle with Revered Brother Poquelin (Bonus)
Credits (Short)