Noel Coward Sings the Girl Who Came to Supper
Time Will Tell
Long Live the King--If He Can
I've Been Invited to a Party
Footman's Sextet
Sir or Ma'am
If Only Mrs. Applejohn Were Here
I'm a Lonely Man
London: London Is a Little Bit of All Right / What Ho, Mrs. Brisket / Saturday Night at the Rose and Crown / What's the Matter With a Nice Beef Stew? / Don't Take Our Charlie for the Army
Here and Now
Westminster Abbey
How Do You Do, Middle Age?
Curt, Clear and Concise
Just People
I'll Remember Her
Come Be My True Love
'The Coconut Girl': Welcome to Pootzie Van Doyle / The Coconut Girl / Paddy MacNeil (and His Automobile) / Swing Song / Six Lilies of the Valley / The Walla Walla Boola