Outland / Capricorn One
Тип альбома:
Студийный альбом
Outland: The Mine
Outland: Early Arrival
Outland: The Message
Outland: The Air Lock
Outland: Hot Water
Outland: The Hunted
Outland: Spiders
Outland: The Rec Room
Outland: The Hostage
Outland: Final Message
Capricorn One: Main Title
Capricorn One: Bedtime Story
Capricorn One: Docking
Capricorn One: No Water
Capricorn One: The Message
Capricorn One: Break Out
Capricorn One: Kay's Theme
Capricorn One: The Station
Capricorn One: The Snake
Capricorn One: The Long Climb
Capricorn One: The Letter
Capricorn One: The Celebration