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Ogle Some Piano

Тип альбома: 
Студийный альбом
Год выпуска: 
Автор (персона): 
Spangle Bib of Radiant Value
Mentioning the Lint That Thrills and Filling the Pockets With Momentum
Re-Envision Stream Block and Then Fumble
Hammered and Hampered, We Then Took the Deeds Down by the Dozen
A Memento Was Slid in Between the Actual House of Cards So as to Mayberemain
Splendid in a Way and Especially Unseething in Its Most Popular Format
Notification Was Lost in the Mail and That Turned Out to Be a Goodthing
Espresso Spills Specifically on the Italian Truck Stop Tie, and for Amoment, Aids in Its Redesign
So Long as the Essential Tinge Remains Intact and Unfiltered, Then Itcan Be Over Exemplified
Before the Tenant They Sat With Popcorn and Hunch
Drink Ticket Trinket
Especially After Having Leaned on the Crutch Prior to In-Flightentertainment
Hokum Bigboy Was Probably Not His Given Name, but Just to Makecertain We Reaffiliated
Once There Was a Way to Determine the Source of the Crumpled
Someday They Will Have a Name for What Ails You as Opposed to Beingsaddled With Speck Elation
Ascending to a Pagan Right Was Without a Doubt Looming Behind Thehipster Slouch
Once I Followed the Field Path Down to the Gully and Careened Therein the Shimmer of Simpatico Churning Like Kumquat Rapids of Froth Andgreen Simmer. I Could Almost Smell the Sip of Purpose
Plentiful the Wife and Beautiful the Aforementioned Too