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Le Messie

Тип альбома: 
Студийный альбом
Год выпуска: 
Автор (персона): 
Le Messie Part 2: No. 23. Chœur: And with His stripes
Le Messie Part 2: No. 24. Chœur: All we like sheep
Le Messie Part 2: No. 25. Récitatif: All trusted in God
Le Messie Part 2: No. 26. Chœur: He trusted in God
Le Messie Part 2: No. 27. Récitatif: Thy rebuke hath broken His heart
Le Messie Part 2: No. 28. Arioso: Behold, and see
Le Messie Part 2: No. 29. Récitatif: He was cut off
Le Messie Part 2: No. 30. Aria: But thou didst not leave
Le Messie Part 2: No. 31. Chœur: Lift up your heads
Le Messie Part 2: No. 32. Récitatif: Unto which of the angels
Le Messie Part 2: No. 33. Chœur: Let all the angels of God
Le Messie Part 2: No. 34. Aria: Thou art gone up on high
Le Messie Part 2: No. 35. Chœur: The Lord gave the word
Le Messie Part 2: No. 36. Duo: How beautiful are the feet
Le Messie Part 2: No. 37. Chœur & air de basse: Their sound is gone out
Le Messie Part 2: No. 38. Aria: Why do the nations
Le Messie Part 2: No. 39. Chœur: Let us break their bonds
Le Messie Part 2: No. 40. Récitatif: He that dwelleth in heaven
Le Messie Part 2: No. 41. Aria: Thou shalt break them
Le Messie Part 2: No. 42. Chœur: Hallelujah!
Le Messie Part 3: No. 43. Aria: I know that my Redeemer liveth
Le Messie Part 3: No. 44. Chœur: Since by man came death
Le Messie Part 3: No. 44. Chœur: By man came also the resurrection
Le Messie Part 3: No. 44. Chœur: For as in Adam all die
Le Messie Part 3: No. 44. Chœur: Even so in Christ
Le Messie Part 3: No. 45. Récitatif: Behold, I tell you a mystery
Le Messie Part 3: No. 46. Aria: The trumpet shall sound
Le Messie Part 3: No. 47. Récitatif: Then shall be brought to pass
Le Messie Part 3: No. 48. Duo: O death, where is thy sting?
Le Messie Part 3: No. 49. Chœur: But thanks be to God
Le Messie Part 3: No. 50. Aria: If God be for us
Le Messie Part 3: No. 51. Chœur: Worthy is the Lamb
Le Messie Part 3: No. 52. Chœur: Amen