Traditional Slow Airs of Ireland
Inion an Fhaoit
Siubhan Ni Dhuibhir (Joan Dwyer)
Fath Mo Bhuartha (The Cause of my Sorrow)
Citi na gCumann (Darling Kitty)
Cath Cheim an Fhia (The battle of Keimaneigh)
Taimse ar an mBaile Seo (I am in this town)
Lament for Staker Wallace
Geaftai Bhaile Bui (Gates of the yellow town)
Cailin na gruairge Doinn (The brow-haired girl)
Conlach Ghlas an Fhomhair (Fresh autumn stubble)
Caoineadh na dTri Muire (Lament of the three Marys)
An Csaisideach Ban (Fair-haired Cassidy)
Amhran na Tra Baine (The Song of the white strand)
Maidin Luan Cincise (Monday morning of Pentecost)
Priosun Chluain Meala (Clonmel Prison)
Tabhair Dom Do Lamh (Give me your hand)
An Drioghnean Donn (The brown thorn)
Planxty Irwin
Boithrin Bui (Yellow road)
Caoineadh Ui Dhonail (O'Donnell's lament)
Caiseal Mumhan (Cashel of Munster)
Eleanor Plunket
Banchnoic Eireann O (The white Irish hills)
Caitlin Triall (Kitty Tyrell)
Si Beag, Si Mor (Little fairy mound, big fairy mound)
Munster Cloak
Is Trua gan Peata an Mhaoir Agam (A pity I don't have the masters pet)
Donal Og (Young Donal)
Sliabh na mBan (The mountain of the woman)
Fainne Geal an Lae (The bright dawn of day)
Cuan Bheil Inse (The boy from the Erne)
Princess Royal
Buachaill o'n Eirne (The boy from the Erne)
The Banks of the Suir
Inion an Fhaoit (White's daughter)
Eibhlin a Ruin (Darling Eileen)
Snowy-Breasted Pearl
Eochaill (Youughal)
Anach Cuan (Annaghdown)
The Trip We Took Over the Mountain
An Brianach Og (Young O'Brien)
Do You Remember That Night?
Lord Inchiquin
Roisin Dubh (Dark little rose)
Sliabh Geal gCua (The mountain of Geal gCua)
Te Wounded Hussar
An Sceilpin Droighneach (The thorny ridge)
Airde Cuan
Contae Mhuigheo (County Mayo)
Wild Geese
Sean O Duibhir (Sean O'Dwyer)
Babtist Johnston
Taimse mo Chodlach (I am asleep)
An Raibh Tu ar an gCarraig? (Were you at Carrick?)
Blind Mary
Ar Eirinn (For Ireland)
An Buachaillin Ban (The fair-haired boy)
Spailpin a Ruin (Dear labouring boy)
Song: The Mondth of January sung by Sinead Cahi