Im Herzen der Klassik 28: Händel - Der Messias
Messiah: Comfort Ye, My People (Recitative)
Messiah: Every Valley Shall be Exalted (Aria)
Messiah: And The Glory of the Lord Shall be Revealed (Chorus)
Messiah: For Unto us a Child is Born (Chorus)
Messiah: Pifa
Messiah: There Were Shepherds Abiding in the Field (Recitative)
Messiah: And the Angel Said Unto Them (Recitative)
Messiah: And Suddenly There Was an Angel (Recitative)
Messiah: Glory to God in the Highest (Chorus)
Messiah: Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind be Open'd (Recitative)
Messiah: He Shall Feed His Flock Like a Shpeherd (Aria)
Messiah: His Yoke is Easy (Chorus)
Messiah: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs (Chorus)
Messiah: And With His Stripes we are Helaed (Chorus)
Messiah: All we Like Sheep (Chorus)
Messiah: All They That See Him (Recitative)
Messiah: He Trusted in God (Recitative)
Messiah: The Lord Gave the Word (Chorus)
Messiah: How Beautiful are the Feet of Them That Preach the Gospel Of Peace (Aria)
Messiah: Their Sound is Gone Out Into All Lands (Chorus)
Messiah: Why Do The Nations so Furiously Rage Together (Aria)
Messiah: Let Us Break Them With a Rod of Iron (Aria)
Messiah: He That Dwelleth in Heaven (Recitative)
Messiah: Thou Shall Break Them With Arod of Iron (Aria)
Messiah: Hallelujah! (Chorus)
Messiah: Behold I Tell You a Mystery (Recitaive)
Messiah: The Trumpet Shall Sound (Aria)
Messiah: Worthy is The Lamb (Chorus)