Might & Magic Heroes VII
Gathering of the Council (Might & Magic Heroes VII main Theme)
Hope for Green Falls (Haven Theme)
Mystos Mountains (Necropolis Theme)
The Wizard's Waltz (Academy Theme)
The Journeyman's Encounter (Stronghold Theme)
The Elven Coronation (Sylvan Theme)
Blades of Madness (Dungeon Theme)
The Fortune Keep (Battle Theme)
Requiem for a King (Plains Theme)
The Realm of the Dead (Wasteland Theme)
A Lonely Journey (Snow Theme)
Ashes and Cinders (Lava Theme)
Towards the Blue Horizon (Sea Theme)
Ancient Woods (Forest Theme)
The Blistering Sands of Sahaar (Desert Theme)
Gazing Into the Abyss (Underground Theme)
Tinkering With the Dwarves (AI Turn Theme)
Piano Concerto for a Hero No. 1 in Ahab's Minor (Credits Theme)
Fiery Hearts (Fortress Theme) (Bonus Track)
Infernus Stamatus (Inferno Theme) (Bonus Track)