Complete Lute Works, Vol. 1
A piece without title, for lute, P. 51
Pavana (Mylius, 1622) [No. 1]
Mr Knight's Galliard, for lute, P. 36
My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home, for lute, P. 66
The Frog Galliard, for lute, P. 23
Fantasia, for lute in D minor, P. 5
The Right Honourable the Lady Rich, her Gaillard (Dowland's Bells), for lute, P. 43
Lady Laiton's Almain, for lute, P. 48
A Dream, pavan for lute, P. 75
Galliard, for lute in G minor, P. 104
Orlando Sleepeth, arrangement for lute, P. 61
What if a day, ballad setting for lute, P. 79
Mrs Winters Jump, for lute, P. 55
Galliard, for lute in C minor, P. 35
Mr Giles Hobie's Galliard, for lute, P. 29
Dr Case's Pavan, for lute, P. 12
Mellancoly Galliard, for lute, P. 25
Galliard, for lute in F minor, P. 27
Mrs White's Thing (Mrs White's Choice), almain for lute, P. 50
Go from my window, song arranged for lute, P. 64
Almain, for lute, P. 49
Mrs White's Nothing, for lute, P. 56
Pavan, for lute in G minor, P. 18
Galliard, for lute in G minor, P. 30
Farewell Fancy (Chromatic fantasia), for lute, P. 3