Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara
Тип альбома:
Студийный альбом
Год выпуска:
Приглашенные музыканты:
Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chapter (Chant): Confitebor tibi Domine
Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Hymn (Chant): Exultet celebres virginis
Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Response (Chant): Ora pro nobis
Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Hodie beata Barbara virgo gloriosa
Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Magnificat
Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chant: Dominus vobiscum
Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Motet: Gaude Barbara beata
Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Blessing (Chant): Sit nomen Domini benedictum
Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Substitute for Marian Antiphon: Audi coelum verba mea
Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Response/Collect (Chant): Angelus Domini nunciavit Mariae
Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Sonata: Sancta Barbara, ora pro nobis
Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Hymn: Ave maris stella