Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords
Тип альбома:
Студийный альбом
Startup Screen
Main Theme
The Sith Lords
Ebon Hawk Adrift
Aboard the Ebon Hawk
Peragus Mining Facility
Peragus Fuel Depot
Through the Tunnels
Kreia and the Dark Side
Battle of the Ebon Hawk
Citadel Station
Confronting Loppak Slusk
Telos Restoration Zone
Czerka Site
Military Base
Telosian Underground Base
Stealing the Shuttle
Polar Plateau
The Secret Academy
Nar Shaddaa
Red Eclipse
Jek'Jek Tarr
Jek'Jek Tarr Tunnels
Goto's Yacht
Battle on the Droid Ship
Dxun Jungle Landing
Mandalorian Honor
The Temple of Freedon Nadd
Mandalorian Ruins
The City of Iziz
Onderon Battle
Civil War
Iziz Cantina
Jedi Enclave Sublevel
Valley of the Dark Lords
The Sith Academy
Into the Past
The Sith Tomb
The Royal Palace
Rebuilt Jedi Enclave
Darth Nihilus
Malachor V
Trayus Crescent
Facing Darth Sion
Darth Traya
The Final Battle
End Credits
Ambience - Dark Side
Ambience - Dark Side (Short)
Ambience - Light Side
Ambience - Light Side (Short)
Ambience - Sith
Ambience - Positive
Ambience - Negative
Ambience - Revelation
Ambience - Romance
Ambience - Telepathy
Ambience - Miscellaneous
Battle Suspense #1
Battle Suspense #2
Battle Suspense #3
Battle Suspense #4
Battle Suspense #5
Battle Suspense #6
Battle Suspense #7
Battle Suspense #8
Battle Suspense #9