Teddy Bear's Picnic
Тип альбома:
Студийный альбом
Год выпуска:
Teddy Bear's Picnic
Bare Necessities
Rupert the Bear
A Bear for All Seasons
Five Little Bears Jumping On a Bed
Brother Bear
Teddy and His Friends
Old Bear
Busy Teddy
Teddy's Lullaby
If I Were a Bear
Teddy Bear Teddy Bear
Don't Go Without Teddy
I Went to the Seaside
It's So Much More Friendly With Pooh
Naughty Bear
Five Bad Teddies
Big Ted Little Ted
Snug As a Bug
Teddy Says
Round and Round the Garden
Teddy In School
One Little Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear Lost
Say Hello to Paddington Bear
The Bear Went Over the Mountain
Winnie the Pooh
Me and My Teddy Bear