Ricorda Siamo Wombles
Тип альбома:
Студийный альбом
Remember You're a Womble (Who could forget?)
Minuetto Allegretto (In which the story is told of Great Uncle Bulgaria's minuetting childhood)
Non-Stop Wombling Summer Party (In which we meet the Surfing Wombles: Los Angeles Burrow)
Wombling in the Rain (In which NOBODY CARES!)
Womble Burrow Boogie (In which EVERYBODY BOOGIES!)
Wombling Song
Ricorda Siamo Wombles
Wellington Goes to Waterloo (In which young Wellington goes train-spotting)
The Return of Cousin Yellowstone (In which Yellowstone returns for one of his visits, and the story of his fortune-seeking youth is told)
The Womble Square Dance ('You'll square-dance the whole night through when Cousin Yellowstone stays with you!')
Wimbledon Sunset (In which nothing in particular happens)
Banana Rock (In which the West Indian Wombles really Rock On!)