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A Ceremony of Carols

Тип альбома: 
Студийный альбом
Автор (персона): 
A Ceremony of Carols: Procession
A Ceremony of Carols: Wolcum Yole!
A Ceremony of Carols: There Is No Rose
A Ceremony of Carols: That Yonge Child
A Ceremony of Carols: Balulalow
A Ceremony of Carols: As Dew in Aprille
A Ceremony of Carols: This Little Babe
A Ceremony of Carols: Interlude
A Ceremony of Carols: In Freezing Winter Night
A Ceremony of Carols: Spring Carol
A Ceremony of Carols: Adam Lay Ibounden
A Ceremony of Carols: Recession
Une Cantate de Noel
Stabat Mater: Stabat Mater Dolorosa
Stabat Mater: Cujus Animam Gementem
Stabat Mater: O Quam Tristis
Stabat Mater: Quae Maerebat
Stabat Mater: Quis Est Homo
Stabat Mater: Vidit Suum
Stabat Mater: Eja Mater
Stabat Mater: Fac Au Ardeat
Stabat Mater: Sancta Mater
Stabat Mater: Fac Ut Portem
Stabat Mater: Inflammatus Et Accensus
Stabat Mater: Quando Corpus