Die Zauberflöte: Highlights
Тип альбома:
Студийный альбом
The Magic Flute: Act 1. The Birdcatcher’s Song
The Magic Flute: Act 1. Bewitching Portrait
The Magic Flute: Act 1. A Mother’s Loss
The Magic Flute: Act 1. Papageno’s Mouth Padlocked
The Magic Flute: Act 1. A Life Without Love
The Magic Flute: Act 2. Sarastro’s Prayer
The Magic Flute: Act 2. A Mother’s Vengeance
The Magic Flute: Act 2. Love and Forgiveness
The Magic Flute: Act 2. Love’s Yearning
The Magic Flute: Act 2. The Darkness Lifts
The Magic Flute: Act 2. Papageno’s Heart’s Desire
The Magic Flute: Act 2. Papageno’s Despair/Finale