Тип альбома:
Студийный альбом
Athalia: The mighty pow'r
Athalia: Through the land so lovely blooming
Athalia: Ah, canst thou but prove me!
Athalia: Will God, whose mercies ever flow
Athalia: My vengeance awakes me
Athalia: My spirits fail, I faint, I die!
Athalia: Cease thy anguish, smile once more
Athalia: The clouded scene begins to clear
Athalia: What sacred horrors shake my breast!
Athalia: Unfold, great seer, what heav'n imparts
Athalia: Let harmony breathe soft around
Athalia: With firm united hearts
Athalia: Soothing tyrant, falsely smiling!
Athalia: Around let acclamations ring
Athalia: Oppression, no longer I dread thee
Athalia: Hark! His thunders round me roll
Athalia: To darkness eternal
Athalia: Now, Josabeth, thy fears are o'er!
Athalia: Give glory to his awful name