The Fall of the House of Usher
Тип альбома:
Студийный альбом
Год выпуска:
Act 1 the Road to the House of Usher: An Unenviable Role
Act 1 the Road to the House of Usher: That Must Be the House
Act 2 Within the House of Usher: Architecture
Act 2 Within the House of Usher: The Sleeper
Act 2 Within the House of Usher: One Thing at a Time
Act 2 Within the House of Usher: I Shun the Light
Act 2 Within the House of Usher: Leave This House
Act 3 Immediately Following: Dreaming
Act 3 Immediately Following: A Chronic Catalepsy
Act 3 Immediately Following: The Herbalist
Act 3 Immediately Following: The Evil That Is Done
Act 4 the Following Morning: Five Years Ago
Act 4 the Following Morning: It's Over Now
Act 4 the Following Morning: An Influence
Act 4 the Following Morning: No Rot
Act 5 Dawn the Next Day: She Is Dead
Act 6 Three Day's Later: Beating of the Heart
Act 6 Three Day's Later: The Haunted Palace
Act 6 Three Day's Later: I Dared Not Speak
Act 6 Three Day's Later: She Comes Towards the Door
Act 6 Three Day's Later: The Fall