Legends of St. Nicholas - Medieval Chant and Polyphony
Тип альбома:
Студийный альбом
Intonent hodie
Exultemus et letemur
Gaudens in domino
Seint Nicholas was borne in the citee of Patras
Confessor dei nicholaus
Cantu mirro, summa laude
Sainte nicholaes
Whanne the bisshop of the citee of Myre deied
Nicholai presulis
Cum quidam fluctuantia
Novus presul prodiit
Sainte nicholaes (2)
All the province of Seint Nicholas suffered gret peyne for hunger
Plaudat letitia
Salve cleri speculum-Salve iubar presulum-[Sospitati]
Sainte nicholaes (3)
A worschipfull man hadde thre doughtres virgines
Fulget nicolaus
Ex eius tumba - Sospitati dedit egros
Gaudens in domino (2)
And whanne oure Lorde lust to take Seint Nicholas oute of this worlde
Psallat chorus-Eximie pater-[Apatur]
Nicholae presulum
Nicholaus pontifex