The Day Dawn
Da Cold Nights o' Winter/Da Blue Yow/Da Spirit o' Whisky
The Night in Bethlehem
A Midwinter Waltz
The Greenland Man's Tune/Da Forfit o' da Ship/Green Grow da Rushes
The Christ's Child Lullaby
Wren Polka No 1/Wren Polka No 2/The Wren Chase/The Wren's Escape
The Wexford Carol
Da Fields o' Foula/Garster's Dream/Da Brig
Da Trowie Burn
The Hare's Lament
Da Day Dawn/The Papa Stour Sword Dance/The Cross Reel
Sankt Staffan Han Rider/Christmas Day in the Morning/Trettondagsmarschen
The Mummer Jig/Christmas Eve
The Dying Year