Full Anthems & Organ Music / Music on the Death of Queen Mary
Тип альбома:
Студийный альбом
Год выпуска:
Приглашенные музыканты:
Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes mei (Z 135)
Remember Not, Lord, Our Offences (Z 50)
I Will Sing Unto the Lord, as Long as I Live (Z 22)
Voluntary in D minor (Z 718)
O God, Thou Art My God (Z 35)
O God, the King of Glory (Z 34)
Voluntary in G major (Z 720)
Lord, How Long Wilt Thou Be Angry? (Z 25)
Hear My Prayer, O Lord (Z 15)
Voluntary in C major (Z 717)
Blow Up the Trumpet in Sion (Z 10)
O God, Thou Hast Cast Us Out (Z 36)
Music on the Death of Queen Mary: March (Z 860a)
Music on the Death of Queen Mary: Man That Is Born of a Woman (Z 27)
Music on the Death of Queen Mary: In the Midst of Life We Are in Death (Z 17a)
Music on the Death of Queen Mary: Thou Knowest, Lord, the Secrets of Our Hearts (Z 58b)
Music on the Death of Queen Mary: March (Z 860a)
Music on the Death of Queen Mary: Incassum, Lesbia - the Queen's Epicedium (Z 383)
Music on the Death of Queen Mary: Canzona (Z 860b)
Music on the Death of Queen Mary: Thou Knowest, Lord, the Secrets of Our Hearts (Z 58c)
Music on the Death of Queen Mary: March (Z 860a)