Never Say Never Again
Тип альбома:
Студийный альбом
Год выпуска:
Приглашенные музыканты:
Bond Back in Action
Never Say Never Again (Main Titles)
Enter 007 (Prologue)
Fatima Blush / A Very Bad Lady
Dinner With 007
Bahama Island
Bond Smells a Rat / Nurse Blush?
Plunder of a Nuclear Missile
The Big Band Death of Jack Petachi
Bond and Domino
Fight to the Death With the Tiger Sharks
Une Chanson D'Amour
Video Duel / Victory
Nuclear Nightmare
Tango to the Death
Bond Returns Home
The Death of Nicole / Chase Her
Felix and James Exit
Largo's Waltz
Bond to the Rescue
The Big Escape
Tears of Allah
The Underwater Cave
Fight to the Death
Bond in Retirement / Never Say Never Again (End Titles)