The Short-Tempered Clavier and other dysfunctional works for keyboard
Тип альбома:
Студийный альбом
Год выпуска:
The Short-Tempered Clavier: Opening & Introduction
The Short-Tempered Clavier: I. C major
The Short-Tempered Clavier: II. C minor
The Short-Tempered Clavier: III. C-sharp major
The Short-Tempered Clavier: IV. D major
The Short-Tempered Clavier: V. D minor
The Short-Tempered Clavier: VI. E-flat major
The Short-Tempered Clavier: VII. F major
The Short-Tempered Clavier: VIII. G minor
The Short-Tempered Clavier: IX. G major
The Short-Tempered Clavier: X. A major
The Short-Tempered Clavier: XI. A minor
The Short-Tempered Clavier: XII. B-flat major
Little Pickle Book: Introduction
Little Pickle Book: I. Toccata et Fuga Obnoxia
Little Pickle Book: II. Chorale Prelude (Ave Maria et Agnus Dei)
Little Pickle Book: III. Fantasia sopra "Fräulein Maria Mack"
Little Pickle Book: IV. Lullaby and Goodnight
Sonata Da Circo (Circus Sonata): Introduction
Sonata Da Circo (Circus Sonata): I. Spiel Vorspiel
Sonata Da Circo (Circus Sonata): II. Entrada Grande
Sonata Da Circo (Circus Sonata): III. Smokski the Russian Bear
Sonata Da Circo (Circus Sonata): IV. Toccata Ecdysiastica
Sonata Da Circo (Circus Sonata): Calliope Frustration
Three Chorale-Based Piecelets: Introduction
Three Chorale-Based Piecelets: I. Chorale: "Orally"
Three Chorale-Based Piecelets: II. Chorale Prelude on an American Hymn for the Last Sunday Before the Fourth Day of the Seventh Month After New Year's Eve
Three Chorale-Based Piecelets: III. Chorale Variations on "In der Nacht so Hell, der Petrus istmein Freund"