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The Mystery of Christmas (The Elora Festival Singers feat. director Noel Edison and organist Michael Bloss)

Тип альбома: 
Студийный альбом
Автор (персона): 
The Huron Carol
Ring-a the News
O Come All Ye Faithful
In the Bleak Mid Winter
The Three Kings
King Jesus hath a Garden
Silent Night
Tomorrow Shall be my Dancing Day
Laudate Dominum
Quatre motets pour le temps de Noël: O Magnum Mysterium
Quatre motets pour le temps de Noël: Quem Vidistis Pastores Dicite
Quatre Motets pour le temps de Noël: Videntes Stellam
Quatre Motets pour le temps de Noël: Hodie Christus Natus est
Ding Dong Merrily on High
Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
What Sweeter Music
The Linden Tree Carol
A Hymn to the Virgin
Star in the South
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
God is with Us