Symphonic Poems: Roman Festivals / Pines of Rome / Fountains of Rome
Тип альбома:
Студийный альбом
Roman Festivals: Circus Games
Roman Festivals: The Jubilee
Roman Festivals: Harvest Festivals in October
Roman Festivals: Epiphany
The Fountains of Rome: The Fountain of Valle Giulia at Dawn
The Fountains of Rome: The Triton Fountain in the Morning
The Fountains of Rome: The Trevi Fountain at Mid-Day
The Fountains of Rome: The Villa Medici Fountain at Sunset
Pines of Rome: The Pines of the Villa Berghese
Pines of Rome: Pines near a Catacomb
Pines of Rome: The Pines of the Janiculum
Pines of Rome: The Pines of the Appian Way