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Great Monday

Тип альбома: 
Студийный альбом
My Spirit Seeks Thee Early
The Wrath of God Shall Fall Upon a Disobedient People
Behold the Bridegroom Comes (Ancient Chant)
Behold the Bridegroom Comes
Today the Holy Passion
O Judge Invisible
The First Fruits of Lord's Passion
The 1st Ode of the Canon After the Katavasia
The Kontakion, the Oikos and the Synaxarion
The 8th Ode of the Canon After the Katavasia
The 9th Ode of the Canon After the Katavasia
I See Thy Bridal Chamber
Let Everything That Hath Breath
When the Lord Shall Come
We Come, o Faithful
O Lord, as Thou Camest to Thy Passion
O Lord, the Mother of the Sons of Zebedee
O Brethren, Let Us Fear the Punishment of the Fig-Tree
The Serpent Found a Second Eve