Тип альбома:
Студийный альбом
Pulsations: I. The Wheel of Fire: The Cosmic Dance
Pulsations: I. The Wheel of Fire: Tongues of Flame (Cadenza)
Pulsations: I. The Wheel of Fire: The Swirling Cosmos
Pulsations: II. Sunday Afternoon: Introduction
Pulsations: II. Sunday Afternoon: Dreams by the Fire
Pulsations: II. Sunday Afternoon: Burning Embers
Pulsations: III. Between the Planets: Space Ride
Pulsations: III. Between the Planets: Gliding through Space (Space Ride Finale)
Fun for Four, String Quartet No. 1: Disco/Bossa
Fun for Four, String Quartet No. 1: The Magic Carpet
Fun for Four, String Quartet No. 1: Blues/Ragtime
Fun for Four, String Quartet No. 1: Mainstreet