Highland Pipes and Drums: Bagpipe Music of Scotland
Тип альбома:
Студийный альбом
Amazing Grace
Three Waltzes: Skye Boat Song / Highland Cradle Song / Believe Me All My Endearing Young Charms
Medley Selection: Corn Rigs / Waternish Point / Dallaghassie / Captain Horne / Sleepy Maggie
March, Slow Air and Hornpipe: Hill of Perth / The River Ara / Ina Menzie
Three Retreats: The Green Hills of Tyrol / Dream Valley of Glendural / When the Battle's O'Er
Medley Selection: Men of Argyll / Aspen Bank / O'Er the Bows to Ballindalloch / Pidgeon on the Gate
Piobreachd Solo, Lewis Terrell: Lament for Donald Duaghal MacKay
Quicksteps: Scotland the Brave / Nut Brown Maiden / Jenny's Bawbee
6/8 Marches: Midlothian Pipe Band / MacDonald's Awa'Tee the War / Muckin' O'Geordie's Byre
Strathspeys and Reels: Heilan'Whisky / Hot Punch / Raven's Rock / Inverinate House
Slow Air and March: The Dark Island / Caberfiedh
Quicksteps: A Man's a Man for a'That / My Love She's but a Lassie / Yet / Corn Riggs
Gaelic Airs, Hornpipes and Jig: The Waters of Kylesky / Mull of the Bens
2/4 Marches: Highland Laddie / Corriachoillie / Teribus
Scottish Airs: Bonnie Galloway / The Rowan Tree
6/8 Marches: Kenmura's Up and Awa' / March of the Cameron Men / The Campbell's Are Coming
Strathspeys and Reels: Because He Was a Bonnie Lad / Louden's Bonnie Woods and Braes / Tail Toddle...
Slow March, Retreat Air and Quickstep: The Road to the Isles / When the Battle Is O'Er
Drum Fanfare
Pibroch Variation 1: Hail to My Country
Scottish Air and Quickstep: We're No Awa' Tae Bide Awa' / Happy We've Been a'Thegither