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Thylakoid Hubcaps N' Chloroblast!!

Тип альбома: 
Студийный альбом
Год выпуска: 
Tear Jerker Membrane of the Thylakoid Membrane System.
Tiny Pervert Thylakoid Rules of Treatment: a) Blobbubbo B) Goose C) Picker Winner
Find My Thighlights, Pity My Thylakoid Combination Helium Symbols Chart
Repair of Thylakoid Hubcaps, Beautiful Helium Treatment
Golden Moment in the Carotenoids
Midas Touch... Of the Acid Mine Waste!!!!
Democitus, Matter of Fact
Music for Music Critics
Tyndall Effect on My Funny Molybdenum Valentine
Self Harvested Superconductor Calci-Chips
Liquid Argon, Sea Salt Frosting, Nit Picky Atoms
Dewer Flask; Thermosful of Thylakoid Combinations!!!
Superconducting Calcichips, Move Arms, Take Over!!!
Gas World Jitterbug; Argon World Spikes Shifting!!!
Vintage Chloroblast!!!!!
Chloroblast With Heartfelt Dose of Califronium (CF)
Hundred Billion Whips (Of the Zippy Little 'Lectron)
Discrete Quanta Packets of Lovely Starshine/Mirror Thong
Elegantly Presented Colossus: Maximum Flourine Combination Plant!!
Put on Your Sunday Best for the Dapper 'Fragment of Fission'!!!
Hot and Chatty Sweaty Szilard Dupes in 'The Hydrogen Affair'
'The Hydrogen Affair' Tritum Fast Talks the Szilard Simpletones.