Monuments Emerge
Antares Rising
Evanescent Revolutions: I. Implosion
Evanescent Revolutions: II. Bhaskara
Evanescent Revolutions: III. Happiness Only Real When Shared
Explosions in the Sky
Transient Reflections: I. Intertwine…unwind
Transient Reflections: II. The Abyss
Transient Reflections: III. Stained Glass Window
Elements of Metal: I. Collapsing Obsidian Sun
Shades of December
Elements of Metal: II. Omnes Perituri
Five: I. Overtones
Five: II. I Vent in On
The Vertigo Series: IV. The Battle Within
The Fifth World: I. Cynosure: A New Phase
The Fifth World: II. The Rise of Blue
The Fifth World: III. Purification Times
The Fifth World: IV. Messengers From the Sky
The Vertigo Series: V. The Aftermath