3hree: The New Musical: The Mice / Lavender Girl / The Flight of the Lawnchair Man
The Mice: Overture
The Mice: Mice!
The Mice: Two Hours Here
The Mice: What If
The Mice: That’s All I Need
The Mice: If You’d Be Mine
Lavender Girl: Overture
Lavender Girl: Leavin’ Town
Lavender Girl: We’ve Got Time
Lavender Girl: Dancing
Lavender Girl: Foolish Dreamin’ / Something Beautiful
Lavender Girl: Real Enough to Change My Mind
The Flight of the Lawnchair Man: Overture
The Flight of the Lawnchair Man: To Tame the Sky
The Flight of the Lawnchair Man: What Is That?
The Flight of the Lawnchair Man: Tiny
The Flight of the Lawnchair Man: Genius
The Flight of the Lawnchair Man: The Air Is Free
The Flight of the Lawnchair Man: Never Finish Before You Are Finished
The Flight of the Lawnchair Man: Creature of the Air
The Flight of the Lawnchair Man: Finale