Orkney After Sunset: Tales and Tunes
Go good my songs - The Fifth Flight (from G.M.Brown's prologue to 'The Storm and Other Poems')
The Ring of Brodgar - Stoned Giants (adapted from G.M.Brown's 'Under Brinkies's Brae')
The Standing Stones of Stenness
Thor's Hammer - Thor the Hurler - Thor's Wedding (Norse Myth adapted by D.Campbell)
Magnus and Hakon - The Fifth Flight (from 'The Orkneyinga Saga')
The Sandy Lamb Polka
The Beachcomber (from George Mackay Brown's 'Selected Poems')
The Old Polka - The Deerness Reel
Betty Corrigal ('Northern Lights' G.M.Brown)
Betty Corrigal - The Stronsay Waltz
The Sabistons - The Stronsay Waltz - Skeldaquoy Point
Elegy - The Fifth Flight