Journey: Two Hundred Years of Harpsichord Music
Diferencias sobre �El Canto del Caballero’
The Carman's Whistle
O ye tender babes
The King's Hunting Jigg
6 Variations on �Mein junges Leben hat ein End’, SwWV 324
French Suite No.6 in E major, BWV817: Prelude
French Suite No.6 in E major, BWV817: Allemande
French Suite No.6 in E major, BWV817: Courante
French Suite No.6 in E major, BWV817: Sarabande
French Suite No.6 in E major, BWV817: Gavotte
French Suite No.6 in E major, BWV817: Polonaise
French Suite No.6 in E major, BWV817: Bouree
French Suite No.6 in E major, BWV817: Menuet
French Suite No.6 in E major, BWV817: Gigue
Toccata Nona from Primo Libro (1637)
Balletto primo e secondo from Primo Libro (1637)
Chaconne in G minor, HWV486
Three Sonatas in :, Sonata K.490
Three Sonatas in D: Sonata K.491
Three Sonatas in D: Sonata K.492