Ждёт твоего голоса

The Feast of Fools

Тип альбома: 
Студийный альбом
Год выпуска: 
Автор (персона): 
First Vespers - Lux Hodie
First Vespers - Orientis Partibus
First Vespers - Veni Doctor Previe
First Vespers - Hoc Est Clara Dies
Music from the Office - Festa Januaria
Music from the Office - Verbum Patris Humanatur
Music from the Office - Salvatoris Hodie
The Drinking Bout In The Cathedral Porch - Kalendas Ianuarius
Mass of the Asses, Drunkards and Gamblers - Dies Festa Colitur
Mass of the Asses, Drunkards and Gamblers - Kyrie Asini
Mass of the Asses, Drunkards and Gamblers - Lux Optata Claruit
Mass of the Asses, Drunkards and Gamblers - Gambler's Prayer/Malediction
Mass of the Asses, Drunkards and Gamblers - Orientis Partibus
Mass of the Asses, Drunkards and Gamblers - Graduale Bachi
Mass of the Asses, Drunkards and Gamblers - Sequentia: Vinum Bonum
Mass of the Asses, Drunkards and Gamblers - Quantus Bachi
Mass of the Asses, Drunkards and Gamblers - Hunc Diem/Ite Missa Est/Deo Gratias
Mass of the Asses, Drunkards and Gamblers - Tityri Tu Patule
Music from the Office - Hac In Die Salutari
Music from the Office - Procedenti Puero
Music from the Office - Notem Fecit Dominus
Music from the Office - Verbum Patris Hodie
Second Vespers - Deus In Adjutorium
Second Vespers - Magnificat
Second Vespers - Anni Novi Novitas
Second Vespers - Baculi Sollempnia
Second Vespers - Gregis Pastor Tityrus
Second Vespers - Tityri Tu Patule
The Banquet - Novus Annus Dies Magnus
The Banquet - Hac In Anni Janua
Processional - Verbum Caro