Sledgehammer Holocaust
Machete Through Head Like Knife Through Butter
Sledgehammer Holocaust (Shit and Bone Infused)
Malefic and Uncontrolled Demolition of the Living
Eye Sockets Venting Black, Rotten Blood
Gutted, Coated with Malignancy and Re-embowled
Forced to Ingest Caulking up Nose and Down Trachea
The Super Flying Off a Roof Happy Fun Show
Moonlight Illuminates Limbs Forced into Impossible Positions
Ukelele Players Drugged Out Machete Attack at the Flea Market
I Am Your Flesh
The Slabby and Crimpy Ascension up the Snivelling Shit
Halved and Preserved for Further Ritualistic Abuse
Hillbilly Savants: Quiet Dignity and Delicate Relationships
Q: Mutilated with Chainsaw? A: Split with Maul and Cannibalized