A Musical Panorama Of Shakespeare's England
Тип альбома:
Студийный альбом
We be soldiers three
Air for lute solo: My Lady Hunsdon's Puffe
Heigh Ho, the Wind and the Rain
Ye that do live in pleasures plenty
Munday's Joy - Watkin's Ale
New oysters
O nata lux de lumine
Alman for harpsichord
Have you seen but a white lilly
Frog Galliard - Coranto - Borey 'Mr. Tollett'
Hunting madrigal: Lure, falconers, lure!
Boar's Head Carol
Sweet Nymph
Fantasias for Viols in G Minor
The Agincourt song: Deo gracias, Anglia
O Death, Rock Me Asleep
He who will an alehouse keep
Lord Rendall
Non nobis Domine