Awake, My Heart!
Awake, My Heart! (From Pühalepa)
A Maiden's Voice (From Räpina)
Treetops to the Birds (From Võnnu)
Grow Into Shepherd (From Hargla)
Come Little Coddy (From Muhu Island)
A Baby Rocking Song (From Loksa)
The Chamber of the Wind (From Koeru)
Whoops and Calls (From Avinurme, Jõelähtme, Ambla, Tarvastu)
Sleep, Sleep, Little Mats (From Karuse)
Songs Sung by the Burbot (From Kodavere)
Lullabies (From Röngu, Misso, Luhamaa)
Roll, Sun! (From Kodavere)
The Wife of a Snake (From Meremäe)
Sleep, My Dove (From Hageri)
Calling the Cattle Home (From Rõuge)
To Its End the Day Has Come (From Rapla)