Ждёт твоего голоса

The Complete Organ Works, Volume 10

Тип альбома: 
Студийный альбом
Год выпуска: 
Автор (персона): 
Ciaccona in D minor, P.41
Toccata in D minor, P.461
Chorale Prelude, P.58 'Christ lag in Todesbanden'
Chorale Prelude, P.61 'Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam'
Fugue in G major
Toccata in G minor, P.467
Chorale Prelude, P.111 'Erhalt uns Herr, bei deinem Wort'
Chorale Prelude, P.507 'Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält': I.
Chorale Prelude, P.508 'Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält': II.
Fugue in G major, P.137
Chorale Prelude, P.114 'Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl': I.
Chorale Prelude, P.115 'Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl': II.
Toccata in C major, P.458
Fugue in C major, P.146
Fugue in C major, P.132
Fugue in C major, P.148
Hexachordum Apollinis, P.193-198: VI. Aria Sebaldina in F minor
8 Fugues on the 4th Tone in E minor, P.306 'Magnificat quarti toni': I.
8 Fugues on the 4th Tone in E minor, P.307 'Magnificat quarti toni': II.
8 Fugues on the 4th Tone in E minor, P.308 'Magnificat quarti toni': III.
8 Fugues on the 4th Tone in E minor, P.309 'Magnificat quarti toni': IV.
8 Fugues on the 4th Tone in E minor, P.310 'Magnificat quarti toni': V.
8 Fugues on the 4th Tone in E minor, P.311 'Magnificat quarti toni': VI.
8 Fugues on the 4th Tone in E minor, P.312 'Magnificat quarti toni': VII.
8 Fugues on the 4th Tone in E minor, P.313 'Magnificat quarti toni': VIII.
Fugue in C major
Three Fugues in C major, P.143: I.
Three Fugues in C major, P.144: II.
Three Fugues in C major, P.145: III.