Manuel de Falla’s Spain: Nights in the Gardens of Spain / The Three Cornered Hat (complete ballet)
Nights in the Gardens of Spain: At the Generalife
Nights in the Gardens of Spain: Distant Dance
Nights in the Gardens of Spain: In The Gardens of the Sierra de Cordoba
The Three-Cornered Hat: Introduction
The Three-Cornered Hat: Part I. Afternoon
The Three-Cornered Hat: Part I. The Procession
The Three-Cornered Hat: Part I. Dance of the Miller's Wife (Fandango)
The Three-Cornered Hat: Part I. The Corregidor
The Three-Cornered Hat: Part I. The Miller's Wife
The Three-Cornered Hat: Part I. The Grapes
The Three-Cornered Hat: Part II. The Neighbor's Dance (Seguidillas)
The Three-Cornered Hat: Part II. The Miller's Dance (Farruca)
The Three-Cornered Hat: Part II. The Miller's Arrest
The Three-Cornered Hat: Part II. Dance of the Corregidor
The Three-Cornered Hat: Part II. Final Dance (Jota)