The Canticle of the Sun / Music for Flute, Strings and Percussion
Приглашенные музыканты:
The Canticle of the Sun: Opening. Altissimo omnipontente bon Signore
The Canticle of the Sun: Fig. 15
The Canticle of the Sun: Fig. 25. Laudato si, mi Signore, cun tucte le tue creature
The Canticle of the Sun: Fig. 34. Laudato si, mi Signore, per sora luna e le stelle
The Canticle of the Sun: Fig. 66
The Canticle of the Sun: Fig. 87
The Canticle of the Sun: Fig. 95. Laudato si, mi Signore, per quelli ke perdonano per lo tuo amore
The Canticle of the Sun: Fig. 111
The Canticle of the Sun: Fig. 126
The Canticle of the Sun: Fig. 132. Laudate si, mi Signore, per sera nostra morte corporale
The Canticle of the Sun: Fig. 144
Music for Flute, Strings and Percussion: Opening
Music for Flute, Strings and Percussion: Fig. 52
Music for Flute, Strings and Percussion: Fig. 94