Solomon, Act II: 'What Says the Other' (Recitative: Solomon, 2nd Harlot)
Solomon, Act II: 'Thy Sentence, Great King' (Air: 2nd Harlot)
Solomon, Act II: 'Withhold, Withhold the Executing Hand!' (Recitative: 1st Harlot)
Solomon, Act II: 'Can I See My Infant Gor'd' (Air: 1st Harlot)
Solomon, Act II: 'Israel, Attend' (Accompagnato: Solomon)
Solomon, Act II: 'Thrice Bless'd be the King' (Duet: First Harlot, Solomon)
Solomon, Act II: 'From the East Unto the West' (Chorus)
Solomon, Act II: 'From Morn to Eve' (Recitative: Zadok)
Solomon, Act II: 'See the Tall Palm' (Air: Zadok)
Solomon, Act II: 'No More Shall Armed Bands' (Recitative: 1st Harlot)
Solomon, Act II: 'Beneath the Vine' (Air: 1st Harlot)
Solomon, Act II: 'Swell, Swell the Full Chorus' (Chorus)
Solomon, Act III: Sinfonia
Solomon, Act III: 'From Arabia's Spicy Shores' (Recitative: Queen of Sheba, Solomon)
Solomon, Act III: 'Ev'ry Sight These Eyes Behold' (Air: Queen of Sheba)
Solomon, Act III: 'Sweet, Sweep the String' (Recitative: Solomon)
Solomon, Act III: 'Music, Spread Thy Voice Around' (Air: Solomon, Chorus)
Solomon, Act III: 'Now a Diff'rent Measure Try' (Air: Solomon, Chorus)
Solomon, Act III: 'Then at Once From Rage Remove' (Recitative: Solomon)
Solomon, Act III: 'Draw the Tear From Hopeless Love' (Chorus)
Solomon, Act III: 'Next the Tortur'd Soul Release' (Recitative: Solomon)
Solomon, Act III: 'Thus Rolling Surges Rise' (Air: Solomon, Chorus)
Solomon, Act III: 'Thy Harmony's Divine' (Recitative: Queen of Sheba)
Solomon, Act III: 'Pious King' (Air: Levite)
Solomon, Act III: 'Thrice Happy King' (Recitative: Zadok)
Solomon, Act III: 'Golden Columns'(Air: Zadok)
Solomon, Act III: 'Praise the Lord' (Chorus)
Solomon, Act III: 'Gold Now Is Common' (Recitative: Solomon)
Solomon, Act III: 'How Green Our Fertile Pastures Look!' (Air: Solomon)
Solomon, Act III: 'May Peace in Salem' (Recitative: Queen of Sheba)
Solomon, Act III: 'Will the Sun Forget to Streak' (Air: Queen of Sheba)
Solomon, Act III: 'Adieu, Fair Queen' (Recitative: Solomon)
Solomon, Act III: 'Ev'ry Joy That Wisdom Knows' (Duet: Queen of Sheba, Solomon)
Solomon, Act III: 'The Name of the Wicked' (Grand Chorus)