Checkmate / Mêlée Fantasque
Тип альбома:
Студийный альбом
Mêlée Fantasque, op. 22
Checkmate, op. 57: Prologue. The Players
Checkmate, op. 57: Dance of the Red Pawns
Checkmate, op. 57: Dance of the Four Knights
Checkmate, op. 57: Entry of the Black Queen
Checkmate, op. 57: The Red Knight's Mazurka
Checkmate, op. 57: Ceremony of the Red Bishops
Checkmate, op. 57: Entry of the Red Castles
Checkmate, op. 57: Entry of the Red King and Queen
Checkmate, op. 57: The Attack
Checkmate, op. 57: The Duel
Checkmate, op. 57: The Black Queen Dances
Checkmate, op. 57: Finale. Checkmate