A Life for the Tsar
A Life for the Tsar: Act IV. Entr'acte
A Life for the Tsar: Act IV. "Davno li odnoj"
A Life for the Tsar: Act IV. "Bednyj kon' v pole pal"
A Life for the Tsar: Act IV. "Ustali my!"
A Life for the Tsar: Act IV. "Čujut pravdu!"
A Life for the Tsar: Act IV. "Davno li s sem'ej svoej"
A Life for the Tsar: Epilogue. Entr'acte
A Life for the Tsar: Epilogue. "Slav'sja, slav'sja, svataja Rus'!"
A Life for the Tsar: Epilogue. "Vse ta že toska, pečal' v duše!"
A Life for the Tsar: Epilogue. "Slav'sja, slav'sja, naš Russkij Car'!"