My Daughter, The Broad
Тип альбома:
Студийный альбом
Reelin' & Rockin' #1
Children Run Away (The Man With the Candy)
Where's Jerry Lewis?
I'm Evil, Jack
April Fools (He Had the Change Done at the Shop)
The Boys With the Boys
I'm Sad the Goat Just Died Today
Gwendolyn Macrae
Put Your Finger in the Dike, Stop the Leak
God Is Gay
I Love U (You Know I Don't)
Stand Up for Your Rights (Or Sit Down)
Lifeguard of Love
I'm Hungry
Banjo Bonnie
Which One of You Gave My Daughter the Dope?
Candyland Joe
I Had a Second Change Done at the Shop (Now I've Added Animal Cocks)
Who's Sucking on Grandpa's Balls Since Grandma Ain't Home Tonight?
Grandma Sitting in the Corner With a Penis in Her Hand Going No, No, No, No, No
Reelin' & Rockin' #2